Instructors Annual Awards 2019
Michael started Shukokai karate in 1983 at the age of 10, and obtained his Black Belt at the age of 14. He started his own club at 17, and now runs 3 clubs, teaching almost every day. He joined UKASKO in 1993 and has been a regular member of the UKASKO England Team since 1997.
Michael has competed at all levels in both Kata and Kumite since the age of 10, and still does. A couple of competition highlights have been winning the UKASKO National Championships in 1998 and coming second in the English Karate Governing Body (EKGB) National Championships in 2004.
Michael was awarded his 5th Dan in 2004 at the age of 31 making him one of the youngest Karate-Ka in the country to achieve this. He is also a qualified Dan Grading Officer.
Additionally he has been in the top twenty instructors annual awards list since 1999 and has been appointed the Associations child protection officer. Michael has now been a professional full time instructor since 1998.
Michael can be contacted on Tel: 07904 -240569 / 0113 - 2947098 or via e-mail:
Richard's Martial Arts training began with Lau Gar Kung Fu in my early-teens, for the wrong reasons really…. However, he very quickly realised he had found something he really loved to do and quickly found myself training virtually every day.
He also realised at an early stage that he wanted to train in more than one discipline, and although frowned upon back then, he started cross training in other systems, "It just made sense to me."
He attained Shodan in Freestyle Karate in April 1987 under the watch full eye of, back then, 6th Dan, Roy Stanhope (UKASKO) and in the same year was awarded his 1st Dan in Mugendo Kickboxing.
Prior to that he had attended my first Guro Dan Inosanto seminar in 1986 which affirmed the direction he wanted to take in his Martial Arts career.
Richard started teaching at the age of 18 to a small group and have continued to teach ever since. However, still regard himself, first and foremost a student – always a white belt!
"I’m fortunate enough to still run a small club teaching and studying Combat Submission Wrestling, CSW MMA, STX KickBoxing (Under Sensei Erik Paulson-USA) – Muay Thai, JKD/Jun Fan, Filipino and Indonesian Martial Arts (Under Sifu Marc Mcfann-USA)"
Together with several Instructors and apprentice Instructors at the Auckland Martial Arts Academy, they have produced several World, European and British Junior Champions in both Muay Thai and Kickboxing.
Richy Welsh can be contacted on Tel: 01388 609338 or by email
STEVE LANGBRIDGE (Black Belt 7th Dan)
Steve started training in 1972 under Master Tatso Suzuki in Wado Ryu at the Judd Street Dojo in London. Sensei Meiji Suzuki took over the running of the club in 1974 and together with Sensei George Canning developed the Mugendo system where Steve continued to train for many years.
In 1978 he joined a small club at his home town of High Wycombe; the Sands Club which taught a style based on Kyokushin. In 1980 Steve also joined a local Wado Ryu club where he trained for 4 years before leaving to join a Shotokan club run by a student of Master Kanazawa.
In 1991 Steve obtained his Black Belt 1st Dan, and shortly after reformed the Sands Karate Club as the Prestwood Karate Club. In November 2008 this was reformed as the South Bucks Karate Academy.
Steve has this unquestionable thirst for knowledge, and because of his open minded policy regarding teaching; he decided to look for a multi-style organisation with a reputation for non-interference. Eventually this search led him to joining the UKASKO, where he continues to train with some of this countries leading instructors.
Steve has also been training for 6 years in American Kenpo where he started again as a white belt.
Awarded his 7th Dan by Roy Stanhope he currently runs clubs at Prestwood, near High Wycombe.
Steve is also a Level III Coach, Association Dan Grade Examiner and Association Regional Referee.
Steve can be contacted on Tel: 01494 -863949 or via e-mail
Laurie Williams (Black Belt 5th Dan)
Laurie Williams is chief instructor at IFMA (Independent Family Martial Arts), Laurie has been studying the Korean Karate art of Tang Soo Do since 2008 and has achieved his 2nd Dan with the UKASKO in Dec 2015.
Although competition is no longer his main concern he has been fortunate to have medaled 7 times at World Championship Tang Soo Do tournaments and has been twice World Champion in Korean Forms.
His main attraction to Martial Arts is that there is always so much to learn.
The IFMA is a relatively new club and Laurie is helped with instructing by his whole family (Tom, Jack and Kathryn) all Black Belts, primarily teaching a small class in Treforest, South Wales
Laurie can always be contacted via e-mail: Or
You may also visit out Facebook page at
KEVIN BARLOW (Black Belt 8th Dan)
Kevin began training in 1973 aged 11 years.
Kevin was a member of the UK 1st Shukokai Karate group founded by Roy Stanhope. Kevin achieved 1st Dan in 1979 with Japanese master Shigeru Kimura. Over the years Kevin has competed in many interclub, National/International tournaments achieving status at Light/Middle weight in 3 disciplines. Individual & Team Kumite, Kata. He was a former member of the Shukokai England Karate Squad, plus he has represented UKASKO at the EKF/ BKF Karate National/ European Championships.
For over 20 years with UKASKO Kevin competed at the highest level. Kevin retired from competitive Karate in 1996, in the same year took over as England Coach with an unbeaten record. Key roles with the organisation are National Kata / Kumite Coach. Technical grading examiner. Level 3 Coaching Assessment Officer, International Judge - Referee, tournament director. Most recently Kevin has become a Duke of Edinburgh Awards assessor. On the basis of his work and achievements within UKASKO, Kevin was awarded his 8th Dan as a mark of respect for all he has done for the Association.
Over the years Kevin has conducted many Karate and Self defensive seminars both to the public and professional agencies. Most recently Kevin has been training/teaching with the Greater Manchester Police Karate Team.
Kevin can be contacted on Tel: 01925 768012 Mobile: 07814 974593
FRED BATEMAN (Black Belt 6th Dan)
Fred has over 32 years in Karate and is 5th Dan in Anshin Ryu Karate-do.
He also has a vast knowledge of Kobudo with a 4th Dan in Okinawan Kobudo, and 3rd Dan in Matayoshi Kobudo.
His other achievements have been in Kamishin Ryu Karate (1st Dan), Kickboxing (1st Dan) and also train and graded in Aikido, Ninjutsu and Iaido (sword art).
A very experienced Martial Artist who has spent time and graded in Okinawa and Japan under the tutelage of Kaicho Takiashi Kinjo (10th Dan) and Mikio Nishiuchi (7th Dan).
Fred is currently studying Matayoshi Kobudo under Franco Sanguinetti (7thDan) who was a direct student of Sensei Shinpo Matayoshi.
Fred has been with UKAKO since 1992, and has competed with the UKASKO's international squad. He has been a well-respected Kumite and Kata Referee for the English Karate Governing Body (EKGB), as well as a former Chief Referee for UKASKO.
Fred Bateman can be contacted on Tel: 07807 - 827978 and via his e-mail:
or via his Club Website
DEE FAKIRA (Black Belt 5th Dan)
Dee Fakira started learning the art of Shukokai karate at the age of 14 at Bolton Karate centre with Steve Stewart and Steve Mason.
Due to the distance at the time he left after his yellow belt and joined Tao Noy Sing with Sensei Terry Pemberton in Atherton where he first saw Sensei Roy Stanhope coming to take gradings.
Dee gained his 1st Dan Degree in April 1984 under SKU and opened his club in 1986 in Atherton where he has been teaching for 34yrs.
Dee always wanted to study the art in a traditional way, which he encourages in his own club.
Over the years Dee has trained in Judo, Mauy Thai and also spent 3 months in India training in Kung Fu.
Dee Fakira was awarded his 5th Dan in 2014 by Hanshi Roy Stanhope.
His favourite weapons practice is Nunchaku, Shinai, Escrima sticks and Sai while at the club he enjoys the combative side of Shinai and Stick fighting.
Dee Fakira can be contacted via his email:, Tel 07944 293674 or via his website
MARTIN PETRIE (Black Belt 4th Dan)
Martin from Aberdeenshire started training in Freestyle Karate in 2000 and later with John Farley of Jorukai from 2003 until 2011.
He recently took over the chief coaching roll of the Rokra Karate Club resulting in its members enjoying reasonable success at the UKASKO Scottish Championships.
Martin fought on the Scotland UKASKO team 3 years in a row and won the heavyweight Kumite in the UKASKO Scottish championships in 2008.
Martin did a training stint in Kyokushin while on a working holiday in Japan back in 2004 and trained in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Judo and Boxing.
Last year he hosted the UKASKO Scottish Championships and was Scottish Coach for the Kumite team.
Martin is well known in the UKASKO Kumite Circuit, having competed in various competitions and been a member of the Scotland Squad three times. He currently holds the position of Scotland Kumite Coach and is regularly hosting training events for fighters keen to test their skills.
Martin can be contacted by e-mail