Club Assistance and Support
This particular aspect of our web site, namely club assistance, is exactly what this page is all about.
We offer courses on a regular basis for those instructors who are interested in developing not only their teaching skills, but gaining technical knowledge that can be passed on to their students.
These courses all for a modest fee, compared to the so called superstars that you see advertised on a regular basis in the Martial Arts magazines.
Our most senior and successful instructors periodically meet on a friendly basis exchanging ideas on training and marketing, without the intense rivalry that is often seen within the Martial Arts fraternity. Obviously something that a potential instructor could benefit enormously from. You won't find any closely guarded secret techniques here.
There are numerous documents that can be downloaded here that can be personally edited to give the impression to the public of a professionally well run club.
We have also included a membership database that will help you keep accurate details of your students.
Visit our Downloads page for further information.
As an association we have recently adopted a Child Protection Policy together with a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) discloser that gives the general public the confidence and trust when choosing a club for their child, whose welfare is paramount.
Every year, awards are made to the top 10 instructors who contribute most to the association financially in the form of grading returns and licence sales.
In the past prizes have consisted of articles on each of the top instructors in one of the major Martial Arts magazines, quality trophies, and expenses-paid trips to World and European Championships.
Also to help enhance their business and reputation, we will detail the top 10 instructors’ credentials on our web site for a whole year.
Individual awards are periodically made to instructors whose club are the most successful in terms of competition success.
If you want help/advice to be successful as an instructor, we can generally provide most things that will help you in this respect.
Providing you take your responsibilities as an instructor seriously, have the right attitude, advertise the fact that you are working with a reputable organisation, whose standing within the Martial Arts is second to none, and you cannot go wrong.
Why not you take the next step and download a Club Application Form, and pop it in the post, or send off for an information pack. Either way we would be delighted to hear from you and promises that you will not be disappointed.