Club Assistance Page - DOWNLOADS
The following documents have been prepared in a simple to use format, so that instructors can download and edit them to suit their own personal needs.
Please note you cannot download them from here, Only in the Members area, but they do give potential Instructors an idea of the vast amount of information available
Licence/Insurance Proposal Form
In terms of the relevant insurance cover, it's essential for club instructors to have one in their possession at all times. The form can be used as a temporary insurance cover note during a student's trial period.
Student Membership Form
Contains the students personal details together with the usual statement and character declaration.
Club Application Form
These are distributed by the association with a common annual renewal date of the first of January each year.
Club Letterhead
To be used in conjunction with the Compliment Slips to give a more professional image to your club stationary.
Club Leaflet
Is an ideal way to attract new members without the need for expensive advertising. Download the original document, edit, so as to include your own club details, photocopy and then a massive leaflet drop in the appropriate area. If used in conjunction with the enclosed A3 Poster and the A4 Poster could have a dramatic effect on your success rate.
Professional Indemnity Insurance Form
These are usually distributed by the association, but useful to download in case additional forms are required for assistant instructors. With the ever increasing claims culture that's rapidly developing in the UK, this form together with the Accident/Injury Form is of paramount importance to the average instructor.
Grading Submission Form
Submissions of gradings to UKMA for subsequent Certification
Grading Score Sheet
This document needs to be used when submitting grading returns. An ideal way to keep track of your students progress.
Child Protection Document
With the majority of our membership consisting of children under the age of sixteen, the association recognises that we have a responsibility to ensure that instructors are made aware of the the fact that the welfare of children in their care is of paramount importance. Hopefully the guidelines set out within this document will enable instructors to recognise their responsibility and act accordingly.
Newsletters are distributed by the association giving details of forthcoming events, together with advice on nutrition and marketing guidelines. Occasionally, includes a light hearted approach as to what's going on in the world.
Club Members Database
Ideal for instructors who are concerned about proper administration and record keeping.